Packages are generally dispatched within 2 days after receipt of payment and are shipped via UPS with tracking and drop-off without signature. If you prefer delivery by UPS Extra with required signature, an additional cost will be applied, so please contact us before choosing this method. Whichever shipment choice you make, we will provide you with a link to track your package online.
Shipping fees include handling and packing fees as well as postage costs. Handling fees are fixed, whereas transport fees vary according to total weight of the shipment. We advise you to group your items in one order. We cannot group two distinct orders placed separately, and shipping fees will apply to each of them. Your package will be dispatched at your own risk, but special care is taken to protect fragile objects.
Boxes are amply sized and your items are well-protected.
Size: Small
Caliber: 48
Bridge: 25
Temple: 145
Front: 144
Form: Oval
Take a card you have at hand
This is the approximate width of standard size lenses.
Stand in front of a mirror
Place the edge of the credit card at the center of your nose and take a good look; where does the other edge of the card end?
Find out your lens size
· If the edge of the credit card ends where your eye ends, your size is medium.
· If the edge of the card extends past the end of your eye, your size is small.
· If the edge of the card does not reach the end of your eye, your size is large.
You can return any item free of charge within 7 days of receiving your order and we will refund your money. Contact our Customer Service or fill out the return form. If you bought your sunglasses at your trusted optician, contact them directly and they will handle the return process.
Prescription glasses
In the case of prescription glasses purchased at the optician, you should go to the optician where you bought them. The return will follow the optician's policy.
Size: Small
Caliber: 48
Bridge: 25
Temple: 145
Front: 144
Form: Oval
Ulleres de sol
Pots tornar qualsevol article de forma gratuïta en un termini de 7 dies després de la recepció de la comanda i et tornem els diners. Contacta amb el nostre servei d'Atenció al client o omple el formulari de devolució. Si has comprat la teva ullera de sol a la teva òptica de confiança, contacta amb ells directament i s'encarregaran de realitzar el procés de devolució.
En el cas de les ulleres de vista comprades a l’òptica, has de dirigir-te a l'òptica on les has comprat. La devolució seguirà la política de l'òptica.
1 - Take a credit or debit card
This is the approximate width of a Standard Size lens.
2 - Stand in front of a mirror
Position the side of the card on the center of your nose and ask: where does the other side of the card end?
3 - Discover the size of your lenses
A. If the edge of the credit card ends at the end of the eye, Standard Size is the correct fit for you
B. If it extends well beyond the end of the eye, you need the Small Size
C. If, instead, the credit card does not reach the end of the eye, you should go for a Large Size.